Set, manage and control all of your real estate transactions with ClosingWay
Organize your real estate deals in a simple and effective way
Create and save contract details
Collect all your real estate deals in one place
Set and manage tasks for different parties
Assign attorney, lender, closer, notary, staff to any deal
Create all types of documents from the templates
ClosingWay has a large database of templates
Don't miss any meetings or deadlines
Check your deals schedule in calendar
As a result, you have a clear scope of tasks and executors with prepared documents for any deal milestone

ClosingWay app made for business professionals
If you’re a real estate attorney
Here we can explain all benefits for this target audience category to make him / her interested in
If you’re a settlement agent
Here we can explain all benefits for this target audience category to make him / her interested in

Boost your business with ClosingWay
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